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Registry Specification

Registry is used to manage the sources of cryptocurrency prices and the operations to be performed on the prices obtained from these sources. The registry is a YAML file that specifies the sources and operations for each cryptocurrency.

Each Signal is associated with a single file and is contained in a directory for each category. Categories are classified by their processor functions and type. For example, CS (crypto spot price) would be a category and contain Signals like ETH-USD.

An example for the CS.yaml in CS would be:

function: weighted_median
binance: 1
bybit: 1
coinbase: 1
coingecko: 1
coinmarketcap: 1
cryptocompare: 1
htx: 1
kraken: 1
okx: 1
minimum_cumulative_weight: 1

The processor field specifies the operation to be performed on the prices obtained from all sources. The function field in the processor object is a string that specifies the operation (e.g., "median", "weighted_median"), and the params field is an object that specifies the parameters for the operation.

Here is an example of an entry in the registry for Signal ID CS/ETH-USD.yaml:

- source_id: binance
id: ethusdt
- signal_id: CS:USDT-USD
operation: '*'
- source_id: coingecko
id: ethereum

In the above example, the sources field specifies the sources from which the prices of Ethereum will be fetched. Each source is represented by an object that contains the source_id and id fields. The source_id field is a string that identifies the source (e.g., "binance" or "coingecko"), and the id field is a string that identifies the cryptocurrency on the source (e.g., "ethusdt" on Binance or "ethereum" on CoinGecko).

The routes field in each source specifies the operations to be performed on the prices obtained from the source. Each operation is represented by an object that contains the signal_id and operation fields. The signal_id field is a string that identifies another cryptocurrency whose price will be used in the operation, and the operation field is a string that specifies the operation to be performed (e.g., "*" for multiplication).

To add new signals or make changes to existing ones, you can create a pull request at the registry.