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Governance Parameters

This section explains the governance variables associated with Band Protocol's signaling hub.


AllowableBlockTimeDiscrepancy is the allowed discrepancy (in seconds) between validator price timestamp and block_time.


GracePeriod is the time (in seconds) given for validators to adapt to changing in feed's interval.


MinInterval is the minimum limit of every feeds' interval (in seconds). If the calculated interval is lower than this, it will be capped at this value.


MaxInterval is the maximum limit of every feeds' interval (in seconds). If the calculated interval of a feed is higher than this, it will not be capped at this value.


PowerStepThreshold is the amount of minimum power required to put feed in the current feeds list.


MaxCurrentFeeds is the maximum number of feeds supported at a time.


CooldownTime represents the duration (in seconds) during which validators are prohibited from sending new prices.


CurrentFeedsUpdateInterval is the number of blocks after which the current feeds will be re-calculated.